Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Guide for iPhone 4.2.1, iPod touch 4.2.1, and iPad4.2.1 - QuickPWN Does this work with IPAD that is already Jailbroken 3.2.2? If you have a JB Ipad 3.2.2 do you just upgrade to 4.2.1 and follow the instructions above? What happens to Cydia, L1merain, and any other Cydia packages loaded in the 3.2.2 jailbreak? Will this w
NEW How To Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 / 6.1.6 For iPhone 4, 3GS & iPod Touch 4 - YouTube Please Read Yes This same method also works for NEW iOS 6.1. 6 Downloads Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 Windows: http://tinyurl.com/RedsnowWin Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 Mac: http://tinyurl.com/RedsnowForMacs iOS 6.0: http://www.felixbruns.de/ iPod/...
iOS 7.1.1 全系列完美 JB 教學,用《盤古》輕鬆搞定 JB(iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch) | 就是教不落 想必大家對於 iOS 7.1.1 版本的 JB 工具已經等待很久,不過說真的,阿湯自己的設備已經很久沒有 JB 了,其實隨著改版,JB 已經變的不是那麼重要,但還是有不少人仍有這樣的需求,而這次首先完成的 JB 團隊是來自大陸的盤古,且支援全系列裝置,當然 ...
【iOS 7】iPhone/iPad JB後使用百度嘸蝦米輸入法 - 威力 無的Mac領域 去年12/22,e vad3rs團隊在聖誕節前,突然推出了大家期望以久的 iOS 7 破解工具: evasi0n7 雖然起初有中國【太極】助手之亂,不過現在一切已經塵埃落定,朋友們可以安心的JB了。 P.S. 如需要JB,請參考【iOS 7】如何 Jailbreak 越獄
Jailbreak 7.0.4, 7.0.3, 7.0.2, 7.0.1, 7.0 With Evasi0n JB Tool. - Evad3rs Evasi0n 7 jb tool compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.4 - 7.0.
evasi0n iOS 7.0.x Jailbreak - official website of the evad3rs Compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.6 (Devices that have been updated Over The Air [OTA] should ...
Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 Untethered On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch [How-To Tutorial] | Redmond Pie I don’t how everyone is screwing this JB up….. This is the easiest one thus far in the JBn community…. Just follow directions and it will JB your device…if your having issues—You did it wrong….. 1st. Make a Backup using itunes simple or use iTools (best p
NEW Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 and 7.1 iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S iPod Touch 5th 4th gen iPad 3, 4, 5 Get Cydia - Jailbreak Downloads http://modmyidevice.com/jailbreak_dow...
iOS 7 Download iPod Touch 4g | Evad3rs - Jailbreak 7.1.1 iOS 7 Download iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 5G. iOS 7 Download iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod ...
iOS 7 Jailbreak | Evad3rs Evasi0n 7 jb tool compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.4 - 7.0.